Delegacija Urban Protection Training Centra, koju su činili Aleksandar Đuričković, osnivač UPTC, expert saradnik UPTC- admiral u penziji Dragan Samardžić i ekspert saradnik UPTC i član ESA Saša Božić boravila je nekoliko dana u Poljskoj, kao gost u European Security Academy, na poziv generalnog direktora ESA, gospodina Bartosza Bryla.
Osnivač UPTC Aleksandar Đuričković istakao je, nakon sastanaka, da je bilo veoma sadržajno i inspirativno.
“Bila nam je izuzetna čast da se sastanemo sa gospodinom Brylom. Upoznati smo sa dostignućima akademije, odušvljeni svim što smo vidjeli. To je definitivno najveća i najbolja akademija u Evropi. Razgovarali smo o mnogim temama, a jedna od njih je i međusobna, zajednička saradnja gdje je gospodin Bryl obećao punu podršku za UPTC, kao predstavnika ESA za region Zapadnog Balkana, zemalja koje nijesu članice EU”, kazao je gospodin Đuričković.
Podsjetimo, PU Urban Protection Training Centar Montenegro od aprila je zvanično jedini predstavnik ESA (European Security Academy) u Crnoj Gori, a obuhvatiće i zemlje regiona koje nisu članice EU. ESA, sa preko 25 godina iskustva, svakako je autoritet u industriji sigurnosti i zaštite.
Dr Andrzej Bryl 1992. godine osnovao je Centar za specijalnu obuku (poljski: Centrum Szkolenia Specjalnego), prvi profesionalni objekat ovog tipa u istočnoj i srednjoj Evropi. Centar obučava specijalce koristeći jedinstveni borbeni sistem dr Bryla BAS-3. 2008. Da bi se zadovoljila rastuća potražnja za najsavremenijom stručnom zaštitom i obukom za gađanje, Centar za specijalnu obuku se transformiše u Evropsku bezbjednosnu akademiju. Od 1992. ESA je obučila na desetine hiljada polaznika, za koje je to bio početak brilijantne životne avanture ili sigurnosne karijere.
Instruktori i profesori ESA dolaze iz različitih sredina, zemalja i imaju različita profesionalna iskustva. Ono što ih razlikuje čini veliku prednost za polaznike. Pažljivo odabrani, ne samo zbog svog profesionalnog iskustva već i zbog sposobnosti da polaznicima prenesu znanje i praktično iskustvo. Oni takođe dijele strast prema onome što rade i u čemu su najbolji. Konstantno usavršavaju svoje vještine internom ESA obukom, ali su i dalje na dužnosti kao vojni izvođači, CPO operativci… Iz njihove stručnosti bez premca, rođen je jedinstven ESA sistem.
Sertifikati dobijeni od ESA omogućavaju svim polaznicima koji uspješno završe obuke izlazak na međunarodno tržište rada bezbjednosnog sektora.
Urban Protection Training centar, kao jedini predstavnik ESA u ovom dijelu Zapadnog Balkana, održavaće obuke i kurseve u Podgorici, koje će voditi instruktori ESA, a veliki dio obuka će se izvoditi u ESA centru, u Poljskoj.
The Urban Protection Training Center delegation, which consisted of Aleksandar Đuričković, founder of UPTC, expert associate of UPTC – retired admiral Dragan Samardžić and expert associate of UPTC and member of ESA Saša Božić, spent several days in Poland, as a guest of the European Security Academy, at the invitation of General the director of ESA, Mr. Bartosz Bryl.
The founder of UPTC, Aleksandar Đuričković, pointed out, after the meetings, that it was very meaningful and inspiring.
“It was a great honor for us to meet with Mr. Bryl. We are familiar with the achievements of the academy, we were delighted with everything we saw. It is definitely the biggest and best academy in Europe. We talked about many topics, and one of them is mutual, common cooperation where Mr. Bryl promised full support for UPTC, as the representative of ESA for the region of the Western Balkans, countries that are not members of the EU,” said Mr. Đuričković.
Let us remind you that since April, PU Urban Protection Training Center Montenegro is officially the only representative of ESA (European Security Academy) in Montenegro, and it will also cover the countries of the region that are not members of the EU. ESA, with over 25 years of experience, is certainly an authority in the security and protection industry.
In 1992, Dr. Andrzej Bryl founded the Center for Special Training (Polish: Centrum Szkolenia Specjalnego), the first professional facility of this type in Eastern and Central Europe. The center trains special forces using Dr. Bryl’s unique BAS-3 combat system. 2008 To meet the growing demand for state-of-the-art professional protection and marksmanship training, the Special Training Center transforms into the European Security Academy. Since 1992, ESA has trained tens of thousands of trainees, for whom it was the start of a brilliant life adventure or safety career.ESA instructors and professors come from different backgrounds, countries and have different professional experiences. What differentiates them is a great advantage for the trainees. Carefully selected, not only for their professional experience but also for their ability to impart knowledge and practical experience to the participants. They also share a passion for what they do and what they are best at. They constantly improve their skills through internal ESA training, but are still on duty as military contractors, CPO operatives… From their unparalleled expertise, a unique ESA system was born.
Certificates obtained from ESA enable all participants who successfully complete the training to enter the international labor market of the security sector.
The Urban Protection Training Center, as the only ESA representative in this part of the Western Balkans, will hold trainings and courses in Podgorica, which will be led by ESA instructors, and a large part of the training will be conducted at the ESA Center in Poland.